Dear lab users,
It is time to revise our lab cleaning groups and rotation. Therefore, I'm trying to get an overview of everyone's primary work stations.
If you plan on doing any kind of lab work during the next six months, please answer this email with your top three workstations/ labs (1 being where you spend the most time). -Of cause you are welcome to send me more than three priorities, but please no less 🙂
If you have any new people under your wing, please tell me where they're going to be working as well.
Remember to write me back if you've stopped doing lab work for the time being too, as I'll then remove you from the cleaning groups.
As usual, each person will be assigned 2-3 rooms, and it is possible that you won't be assigned the lab where you spend the most time due to overlaps.
The deadline is Wednesday February 19th
Thank you for your help in this!
Johanne Zimmer Kjæhr
Bioanalytiker / Laboratory Manager
tlf. +45 7845 2849
Q Research / Dept. of Infectious Diseases
Aarhus University Hospital
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99
8200 Aarhus N, Denmark