Hi All Sorry for the late notice. I have borrowed Thomas CROI login and will setup a stream of Oles presentation. I will put it on tomorrow at 8:15 AM in the basement and we can make it before the lab meeting. Hope to see you there Best Martin

Hi all, To give a plenary at CROI is one of the highest ranking gifts you can get within the HIV-academia. Thus, this is a huge milestone for the department and we are extremely proud of Ole. All the best Lars Lars J. Østergaard MD, Ph.d., DMSc Professor/Head Tl. +45 7845 2800 E-mail: Larsoest@rm.dk Dept. of Infectious Diseases Aarhus University Hospital Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99 ▪ DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark [cid:ca16fdab-3d28-468b-aa2c-bf52050a5929] ________________________________ Fra: Martin Tolstrup via Vigroup-q.he <vigroup-q.he@maillist.au.dk> Sendt: 10. marts 2025 16:02 Til: Lars Jørgen Østergaard <larsoest@rm.dk> Cc: Viral Immunotherapy Group <vigroup-q.he@maillist.au.dk> Emne: [Vigroup-q.he] CROI presentation Hi All Sorry for the late notice. I have borrowed Thomas CROI login and will setup a stream of Oles presentation. I will put it on tomorrow at 8:15 AM in the basement and we can make it before the lab meeting. Hope to see you there Best Martin
participants (2)
Lars Jørgen Østergaard
Martin Tolstrup