FYI – please save the dates!
From: Ole Schmeltz Søgaard <>
Date: Monday, 3 February 2025 at 10.55
To: Asier SAEZ CIRION <>, "" <>, Sarah Fidler <>
Cc: BEATRIZ PUJADAS <>, Casper Rokx <>, Liljana Georgievska <>, "" <>, Bonaventura Clotet <>, ""
<>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Jesper
Gunst <>, Javier Martinez-Picado <>, "" <>, "" <>, Katie Hensley <>, "" <>,
"Marie-Angelique.DeScheerder" <>, Martin Tolstrup <>, Maria Salgado <>, "nozza.silvia" <>, "" <>, "" <>,
"Elias-2, R.H. (Rosa)" <>, "" <>, Tokameh Mahmoudi <>, Thomas A Rasmussen <>, Widia Soochit <>
Subject: EU2Cure workshop and symposium in Aarhus 17-18 June 2025!
Dear all,
Following the successful Gilead grant application, we are planning an EU2Cure workshop and HIV cure symposium in
Aarhus on 17-18 June 2025. Please save the dates in your calendars and share it with your PhD students and postdocs!
The format will be similar to the meeting we organized in 2022, however this year’s symposium will only have European speakers😊
Day 1 (17th) starts at 10/11 am. An interactive workshop where young investigators are strongly encouraged to present their work. We will also allocate
time to discuss the Gilead funded PTC project and other projects or grant applications in the EU2Cure network. The day will end with drinks and dinner by the old harbour.
Day 2 (18th) a HIV cure symposium open to the public (end around 4 pm). We will send out invitations to speakers later.
Hope to see you and your young scientists in Aarhus in June!
More information will follow.
All the best,
Ole and Martin
Ole Schmeltz Søgaard
MD, PhD, Professor
Dept. of Infectious Diseases
Aarhus University Hospital - Skejby
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Tel.: +45 2721 5985