FYI–don’t forget to register.
Dr. Alonso Rosas-Hernández
Assistant Professor | Catalysis and Sustainability Group
Aarhus University | Department of Chemistry
Gustav Wieds Vej 10C, Room 3130-205 | DK-8000 Aarhus C
Begin forwarded message:
From: Mads Bendixen <mlb(a)>
Subject: RE: CORC Annual Meeting 2025! - registration deadline 12th of March - Venue: Hotel Marienlyst, Denmark
Date: 11 March 2025 at 11:23:22 AM GMT+1
To: strefler <strefler(a)>, Alfred Michael Spormann <Aspormann(a)>, Troels Skrydstrup <ts(a)>, Kim Daasbjerg <kdaa(a)>, Lars Ditlev Mørck Ottosen <ldmo(a)>, Marta Victoria <mvp(a)>, "mvipe(a)" <mvipe(a)>, Jiwoong Lee <jiwoong.lee(a)>, Peter Westh <petwe(a)>, l.angenent <l.angenent(a)>, "arunava(a)" <arunava(a)>, "mcargn(a)" <mcargn(a)>, Alonso Rosas-Hernández <arosas(a)>, strefler <strefler(a)>, Nina Lock <nlock(a)>, Magnus Kjærgaard <magnus(a)>, "Atwater, Harry A." <haa(a)>, "cxx(a)" <cxx(a)>, Jo Philips <>, Behzad Partoon <behzad.partoon(a)>, Michael Vedel Wegener Kofoed <mvk(a)>, mp <mp(a)>
Cc: Anita Friis Sommer <sommer(a)>, Tine Aaboe Malden <tine(a)>, Tammy Liaw <tammy.liaw(a)>, "Murphy, Thomasine V." <tvmurphy(a)>, Lasse Rosendahl <lar(a)>, Stephanie Kristiansen <stephanie(a)>
Dear all,
Tomorrow is the last day of registration for the Annual Meeting 2025 😊 If you’re not yet signed up, please do so,
And of cause extend this to the students/personnel from your groups that should join!
We can also happily say that we’ve secured a great speaker for on the evening sessions: Ulrik Nicolai de Lichtenberg. The new scientific director of DCAI – the company that oversees access to the GEFION Supercomputer, maybe the world’s most powerful AI hardware.
See you all there!
From: Mads Bendixen
Sent: 5. marts 2025 11:19
To: Jessica Strefler <strefler(a)>; Aspormann(a); Troels Skrydstrup <ts(a)>; Kim Daasbjerg <kdaa(a)>; ldmo(a); Marta Victoria <mvp(a)>; mvipe(a); jiwoong.lee(a); petwe(a); l.angenent(a); arunava(a); mcargn(a); Alonso Rosas-Hernández <arosas(a)>; strefler(a); Nina Lock <nlock(a)>; Magnus Kjærgaard <magnus(a)>; haa(a); cxx(a); Jo Philips <>; Behzad Partoon <behzad.partoon(a)>; Michael Vedel Wegener Kofoed <mvk(a)>; mp <mp(a)>
Cc: Anita Friis Sommer <sommer(a)>; Tine Aaboe Malden <tine(a)>; Tammy Liaw <tammy.liaw(a)>; Murphy, Thomasine V. <tvmurphy(a)>; Lasse Rosendahl <lar(a)>
Subject: RE: CORC Annual Meeting 2025! - registration deadline 12th of March - Venue: Hotel Marienlyst, Denmark
Dear all,
A short reminder to extend this invitation to your students and postdocs and register yourself. Remember that the deadline for registration is on the 12th of March.
We’re really looking forward to gathering all of CORC again! 😊<x-msg://1/>
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns,
From: Mads Bendixen
Sent: 20. februar 2025 17:40
To: Jessica Strefler <strefler(a)<>>; Aspormann(a)<>; Troels Skrydstrup <ts(a)<>>; Kim Daasbjerg <kdaa(a)<>>;ldmo(a)<>; Marta Victoria <mvp(a)<>>; mvipe(a)<>; jiwoong.lee(a)<>; petwe(a)<>; l.angenent(a)<>; arunava(a)<>; mcargn(a)<>; Alonso Rosas-Hernández <arosas(a)<>>; strefler(a)<>; Ian Marshall <ianpgm(a)<>>; Nina Lock <nlock(a)<>>; Magnus Kjærgaard <magnus(a)<>>; Daniel Erik Otzen <dao(a)<>>; haa(a)<>; cxx(a)<>; Jo Philips <<>>; Behzad Partoon <behzad.partoon(a)<>>; Michael Vedel Wegener Kofoed <mvk(a)<>>; mp <mp(a)<>>
Cc: Anita Friis Sommer <sommer(a)<>>; Tine Aaboe Malden <tine(a)<>>; Tammy Liaw <tammy.liaw(a)<>>; Murphy, Thomasine V. <tvmurphy(a)<>>
Subject: CORC Annual Meeting 2025! - registration deadline 12th of March - Venue: Hotel Marienlyst, Denmark
Dear all
We’re excited to invite you to the CORC Annual Meeting 2025! Please share this invitation with those in your groups who should join us in celebrating the center’s third year. It’s your responsibility to get this invitation to the right people 😉
You can sign up for the event here:<x-msg://1/>. Here you can also find a first draft of the program – we’re having a PhD/Postdoc day on the first date (28th) as previous years, with the possibility for those attending to stay at the hotel from the 27th already. No meal will be provided on the evening of the 27th though.
This invitation is extended to all CORC researchers. We recognize that some students and postdocs are closely involved in CORC research without being directly funded. As in previous years, they are welcome to participate, but their costs will need to be covered by your own budget. We will still handle all the bookings 😊 Let me know about any special cases or problems.
Key details:
Venue: Hotel Marienlyst, Helsingør
Dates: 28th of April to the 1st of May
Accommodations & Meals: Provided by CORC during the meeting
Travel & Additional Costs: Covered by your own budget
Deadline for registration – 12th of March
We’re looking forward to bringing everyone together again for exciting science, meaningful collaboration, and, of course, lots of fun!
If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please feel free to reach out to me.