Dear Project Partners, I hope this message finds you well. Yesterday, we held our first monthly WP2 Meeting. Here's a brief summary of the key points discussed: * Meeting notes, presentations, and recordings of the WP2 Monthly Meetings can be accessed here: [WP2 Monthly Meetings<https://aarhusuniversitet.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/TECHbi0SpaCEHEUProject/Delte%20dokumenter/WP2/WP%202%20Monthly%20Meetings?csf=1&web=1&e=pe6Ch5>] * CAR provided an update on the current T2.1 status, next steps, and potential challenges for T2.1 (presentation available in the WP2 folder): * The next step involves a thorough analysis of the use cases and scope: * What do the pilots have/need/want to achieve? Understanding this will lay the groundwork for T2.2. * So far, we CAR has received varying levels of information from the pilots. * CAR will arrange pilot-specific meetings with the partners. * FhG offered a brief overview of what to expect from the Stakeholder Maps in T2.2 (presentation available in the WP2 folder). * In our next General Monthly Meeting, Naturae will present their use case. * A reminder for pilot partners: Please identify any challenges you encounter while working on T2.1 and feel free to communicate openly about what assistance you need with the bi0SpACe coordinators. * Future meetings will be recorded and summarized, and we will seek permission at the beginning of each meeting. Thank you for your collaboration, and I look forward to our continued progress. Best regards, Ina Dr. Ina Steinmetz Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung IOSB Abteilung Informationsmanagement und Leittechnik (ILT) Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Smarte Fabriksysteme Fraunhofer Straße 1, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany mailto:ina.steinmetz@iosb.fraunhofer.de